Decoder Validation Kit

Validation Tools for Engineers building Decoder

DVK is a Bitstreams and Software Toolchain for Decoder IP design and compliance validation. It is a must-have tool for chip RTL design, target appliance integration (such as a smartphone, smart TV, Set Top Box), software stack verification before mass deployment. It is carefully structured to be as compact as possible to address maximum coverage and minimize validation time during the design process. Save weeks, potentially months of work needed for validation and ship high-quality decoders for improved competitiveness reducing time-to-market

Synthax coverage report

A HEVC bitstream view in Analyser

Video Elementary Streams

VVC / H266 Elementary Streams

VVC/H266 video decoders compliance

AV1 Elementary Streams

AV1 video decoders compliance

VVC / H266 Elementary Streams

VVC/H266 video decoders compliance

AVS3 Elementary Streams

AVS3 video decoders compliance


HEVC/H265 video decoders compliance

AVS3 Elementary Streams

AVS3 video decoders compliance


Data sheet

Speed up your Decoder design time-to-market with VQ DVK