How to set up Intel C-for-media development environment. GPGPU programming on Intel GEN graphics

The Intel C-for-Media compiler(CMC) is an open-source compiler that implements C-for-Media (CM) programming language. CM is a new GPU kernel programming language for Intel HD Graphics. CMC is available for Linux and Windows systems. This current article is focused on Linux as it’s the main development platform of the author.
If you are a Windows user installation is pretty easy:
- Get Intel C for Media package
- Extract package in desired directory <install_dir>
- Set environment variable INSTALLDIR = <install_dir>
Linux is where things became interesting as there are some inconsistencies between libraries.
Ok, let's go and run your first GPU kernel program.
Step 1. Set the environment
1.1 Hardware
Any CPU with intel graphic GEN 9 or higher onboard. Kabylake is used for the current article.
1.2 Software
It’s pretty flexible. Only fresh compiler is desirable. Here is what I used:
- CentOS 7.6
- CMake 3.12
- GCC 8.2
- git 1.8
- make 3.82
- Python 3.5
Step 2. Build and install CMC toolchain
To develop GPU kernels using CMC we need the following packages:
- The Intel(R) C-for-Media compiler — Clang-based open-source compiler for creating GPU kernels.
- Libva — an implementation for open-source Video Acceleration API (VA-API), which provides access to graphics hardware acceleration capabilities for video processing.
- Intel(R) Media Driver for VA-API — user-mode driver.
- Intel Graphics Compiler for OpenCL™ — an LLVM based compiler for OpenCL™.
Let's proceed through all the steps:
2.1 Build and install libva
There is a simple way to build this component using the cmake build system.
git clone libva
cd libva
./ --with-drivers-path=/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/ --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make -j8
sudo make install
cd ..
2.2 Build and install Intel(R) Media Driver for VA-API
Media driver also can be built using cmake.
git clone media-driver
git clone build && cd build
cmake ../media-driver
cmake --build . -j `nproc`
After these steps, driver and CM runtime are installed in the system:
- User mode driver:
- Runtime libraries:
- Runtime headers:
2.3 Build and install Intel(R) C-for-Media compiler
Build compiler where “-i” param specifies output directory. Lets call it <cmc_install_dir>, it will be needed later.
git clone cm-compiler
cd cm-compiler
support/scripts/build.bash -d -c -p /usr/local/bin -i `pwd`/../bin
Copy “test” directory which contains examples into <cmc_install_dir>:
cp test ../bin -r
cd ../bin
Edit examples makefile:
- Add path to CMC runtime headers from first step to “INCL” set.
- Update path to runtime library ( in compilation command.
- Change path to compilers headers in HW_CMCFLAGS to <cmc_install_dir>/include.
- Add path to cmc compiler binary.
This can be achieved by using the following command:
sed -i 's/-I$(CM_ROOT)\/runtime\/include/-I\/usr\/local\/include\/igfxcmrt\ -I\/usr\/include\/libdrm/' test/open_examples/Makefile.linux
sed -i "s@^CMC :=@CMC := `pwd`\/bin\/cmc\ #@" test/open_examples/Makefile.linux
sed -i "s@\$(CM_ROOT)/runtime/lib/x64/" test/open_examples/Makefile.linux
2.4 Build Intel Graphics Compiler for OpenCL™
Clone compiler and build it according to instructions.
git clone igc
git clone -b release_80 llvm_source
git clone -b release_80 llvm_source/tools/clang
git clone -b ocl-open-80 llvm_source/projects/opencl-clang
git clone -b llvm_release_80 llvm_source/projects/llvm-spirv
git clone llvm_patchesmkdir build_igc
cd build_igc
cmake ../igc/IGC
cmake --build . -j `nproc`
Only Genx_IR tool is required from this package so just copy it to <cmc_install_dir>/bin
cp Release/Tools/GenX_IR ../bin/bin/
2.5 Installation notes
There are two ways to load and execute GPU kernel programs: with Just-in-time compilation and without.
- JIT way. In this way step 2.4 is not needed but you will need jitter library which is provided with CM runtime from github. NOTE: library provided as binary file built by gcc-4.8.2, so if you want to use it you should build all environment and your code by this compiler.
- “Nojitter” way. In this case, you don’t need jitter library, but you should specify target architecture and add
string as the last argument toLoadProgram
call in an example code.
I prefer the nojitter way, and this article will only focus on that method.
Step 3. Run samples
3.1 Modify samples to work in “nojitter” mode
Edit example makefile from step 2.3.
Create variable GEN_MODE
and set it to the target platform. I set KBL
as using KabyLake based graphics.
1. Add following flags to HW_CMCFLAGS to specify the target platform:
- Qxcm_jit_target=$(GEN_MODE)
- Qxcm_vme_arch=$(GEN_MODE)
2. Add some other useful flags:
- Qxcm ( not necessary, it is enabled by default as described by intel, but I recommend adding it)
- Qxcm_opt_report (errors reporting)
- Qxcm_print_asm_count (to output count of assembly instructions)
3. Update paths to CMC and runtime library.
Example script to do these steps:
sed -i "s@-march=\$(GEN_MODE)@-isystem `pwd`/include -Qxcm_jit_target=\$(GEN_MODE) -Qxcm_opt_report -Qxcm_print_asm_count -Qxcm_vme_arch=\$(GEN_MODE) -Qxcm #@" test/open_examples/Makefile.linux
3.2 Build and run sample
Now, let's run any sample, E.g. histogram_64
For this change LoadProgram
call to “nojitter”, then build and run example:
cd ../bin/test/open_examples/histogram_64
sed -i "s@program));@ssprogram,\"nojitter\"));@" histogram.cpp
make -f ../Makefile.linux
That is it! Now you are ready to create your own GPU kernels to run them on Intel graphics. In the next article, we will create one.