VQ Analyzer 6.6 release
Lock pixel selection, Pixels to the Adaptive Filter Details, Optimization of statistics collection and more.
Today we are pleased to announce the release of another update of VQ Analyzer: our designed and tested video stream analysis tool can inspect each step of your decoding process graphically and numerically.
The following new features have been added to VQ Analyzer 6.6:
1. For VVC, Versatile Video Coding (MPEG-I Part 3), a video compression standard, the following functions have been added:
- Lock pixel selection while planning. When you click on a pixel in detail, the pixel is highlighted in grey, and in some cases, a popup appears with information about the pixel calculation. You can also move the image, but the pixel remains highlighted, and the popup is open. In addition, the pixel selection is retained when you navigate through the modes.
Fig. 1. Lock pixel selection and popup
- Pixels to the Adaptive Filter Details. Neighboring pixels on the left, top, and left-top sides are added to the detailed view of the adaptive filter. For 4:2:0 subsampling, 4 pixels for luma and 2 for chroma are added.
Fig. 2. Pixels to the Adaptive Filter Details
- Optimization of statistics collection. Statistics collection when opening a stream has been optimized. Frames are opened faster, making it easier to work with high-resolution streams.
2. AVS3. For AVS3, the latest generation source coding/decoding standard with independent intellectual property rights in China, the following functions have been added:
- Updated to HPM-14.0
- Profile is checked partially. Some checks have been added to ensure that bitstreams match the profiles of the AVS3 decode standard.
- Prediction Details:
- String vectors and details. For Intra String Copy (ISC) blocks, submode information and line parameters have been added to the detail view.

- Label and parameters. Labels for additional modes have been added to the main view of prediction mode: BGC (Bi-directional Gradient Correction), IPF (Inter Prediction Filter), IPC (Inter Prediction Correction), OBMC (Overlapped block compensation), BIO (Bi-directional optical flow), DMVR (Decoder-side Motion Vector Refinement), ASR (Affine Sample Refinement). Parameters for these modes were added in the details.

- AWP parameters. Parameters were added to the detail view for AWP (Angular weighted prediction) mode.