VQ Probe Release Notes

Version 3.6

New Features

  • Added the ability to maximize the player (Playback View + Main Control Panel)
  • Added a new sample project demonstrating the optimal encoding ladders feature
  • CLI: added the ability to build optimal encoding ladders
  • CLI: added the ability to skip frames during metrics calculation
  • CLI: added demo scripts


  • Updated to VVC VTM 23.3
  • Updated to AV2 AVM 6.0.0 (SHA-1: b22a8f6cda0a3918ee2edbe8e1b6d3504e92b204)
  • Increased the speed of adding source files to an RD curve: up to 100 times faster (*)
  • Increased the speed of project opening: up to 50 times faster (*)

(*) - measured on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H 2.50GHz, 16GB RAM


  • Fixed a visual bug in Log View
  • CLI: fixed a bug that caused JSON and CSV files to have twice as many rows after loading cached results

Version 3.5

New Features

  • Added the ability to use cached results for files that are no longer present in the project file
  • Added the ability to build optimal encoding ladders
  • Added the ability to minimize the player (Playback View + Main Control Panel)
  • Added the ability to save the current video (including all visible labels, ROIs, found objects, etc.)
  • Added the ability to hide the zoom ratio label
  • CLI: added the ability to use multiple --distorted in one command line
  • CLI: added the ability to use cached results


  • Updated to VMAF 3.0.0
  • Updated to dAV1d 1.4.0


  • Fixed a problem with IPP libraries on Linux

Version 3.4

New Features

  • Added a new metric: XPSNR
  • Added the ability to offload metrics calculation to Intel(R) GPUs
  • Added PNG support
  • Added the ability to disable metrics calculation for any stream
  • Added the ability to calculate BD Rate for the Convex Hull curve
  • Added the ability to add found objects to the list of ROIs
  • Added the ability to trim streams by scene
  • Added a context menu in Log View


  • Updated to Qt 5.15.2
  • Updated to Qwt 6.2.0
  • Updated to VVC VTM 22.0
  • Updated to dAV1d 1.3.0
  • Rearranged the ROI tab of Project View


  • Fixed an issue with opening empty YUV streams
  • Fixed an issue with the Enable Convex Hull checkbox

Version 3.3

New Features

  • Added TS support for AVS3
  • Added the ability to drag streams between RD curves
  • Added new options to add RD curves automatically
  • Added the ROI Constructor dialog
  • Added the ability to choose a scaling algorithm for Convex Hull
  • Added new options to customize Metrics View
  • Added the ability to display stream stats in Metrics Log


  • Updated our SCD algorithm to match FFmpeg results
  • Improved UX by adding message boxes about opening files/projects


  • Fixed VVC/AV2/AVS3 opening in Free/Pro
  • Fixed a bug with 10/12/16 bit Y4M streams
  • Fixed an issue with the slider not registering LeftArrow/RightArrow key presses
  • Fixed an issue with legends not responding to single clicks
  • CLI: fixed a memory leak on Linux

Version 3.2

New Features

  • Added MPEG2 support
  • Added BMP/JPG support
  • Added support for containers with multiple streams
  • Added the ability to download and install new versions of VQ Probe through Update Notifier
  • Added the ability to calculate metrics that are missing from the cache
  • Added a button to clear Log View contents
  • Added a new sample project demonstrating the convex hull feature
  • CLI: added the ability to calculate metrics for a pair of streams without creating a project
  • CLI: added a default value (".") for -d


  • Updated to dAV1d 1.2.0
  • Updated to AVS3 HPM-15.2
  • Enhanced UX by adding more shortcuts
  • Stream Info labels now include file extensions
  • Maximum values are now highlighted in SI/TI Log


  • Fixed a crash when launching Object Detection on macOS
  • Fixed a bug causing APSNR values not to load from the cache
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in RD Curves being removed from graphs after renaming

Version 3.1

New Features

  • Added VP9 support
  • Added a new metric: APSNR
  • Added 4:4:0 support
  • Added PCAP support
  • Added new view modes for Left and Right in Playback View
  • Added preview plots in Metrics View
  • CLI: added SI/TI support
  • CLI: added the --trim option
  • CLI: added the ability to extract stream buffer level information as JSON


  • Updated to AVS3 HPM-15.1
  • Updated to VVC VTM 19.2
  • Improved visibility in Playback View by adding frame borders


  • Fixed minor graphical bugs

Version 3.0

New Features

  • Added an installer (Windows)
  • Added Update Notifier
  • Added Y416 color space support
  • Added support for uncompressed RGB streams
  • Added a Recent Files submenu
  • Added Field Split Mode
  • Added the ability to choose the calculation mode (CPU, GPU)
  • Added the ability to calculate metrics for additional streams not present in a project's cache (when Use Cached Results is checked)


  • Updated to AVS3 HPM-15.0
  • Updated to VVC VTM 18.1
  • Increased the speed of PSNR calculation: up to 1.5 times faster (*)
  • Increased the speed of SSIM calculation: up to 1.5 times faster (*)
  • Increased the speed of MS-SSIM calculation: up to 2 times faster (*)

(*) - measured on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H 2.50GHz, 16GB RAM


  • Fixed several problems with Pix Diff heatmaps for 10-bit, 12-bit, and 16-bit streams
  • Fixed a discrepancy between GUI and CLI metrics calculation results
  • Fixed stream order in legends in Metrics View
  • Fixed frame number labels in Metrics Log

Version 2.5

New Features

  • Added Grid Overlay
  • Added support for containers with uncompressed video (AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO)
  • Added a context menu in Playback View
  • CLI: added the –list-metrics, –list-codecs, –list-containers options


  • Updated to dAV1d 1.0.0
  • Updated to AVS3 HPM-14.1
  • Reduced the size of the distribution package by five times; Object Detection models will now be downloaded dynamically the first time they are used
  • Improved UI logic for the case when there is only one non-reference stream
  • Metrics calculation results are now saved in a project’s folder
  • Object Detection can now be run for a single stream
  • The Current Frame label is now editable


  • Fixed several crashes on Apple M1 processors
  • Fixed graphs being filled with zeros after loading cached results
  • Fixed calculation of boundary values for SI

Version 2.4.1

New Features

  • Added integration with VQ Analyzer
  • Added support for ITU 601, ITU 709, BT.2020 color standards
  • Added support for Full/Limited color ranges
  • CLI: added the ability to activate VQ Probe
  • CLI: added wildcard support for the -a and -r options


  • Updated to VMAF 2.3.1
  • Updated to AVS3 HPM-14.0
  • Improved UX for Scene Change Detection: moved SCD to the Tools menu, added two separate actions (Start & Stop)


  • Fixed a crash when changing Start/End frame numbers for Left or Right
  • Fixed a rare crash for 8x8 streams

Version 2.4

New Features

  • Added AVS3 support (based on HPM-13.1)
  • Added new metrics: PSNR-HVS, VMAF-NEG
  • Added support for 16 bit streams
  • Added V210, V410, V416 color spaces support
  • Added the ability to calculate SI/TI according to ITU-T P.910 (11/21)
  • Added Log View for various log messages
  • CLI: added the ability to add a YUV file to the project with the –yuv-params option
  • CLI: added the ability to pass a ROI file with the –use-roi option


  • Increased the speed of project opening: up to 3 times faster (*)
  • PSNR-Y is now optional

(*) - measured on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H 2.50GHz, 16GB RAM


  • Fixed incorrect behavior for region-based zooming
  • Fixed a rare crash in Buffer View when setting a new value for Moving Average before the graph is built

Version 2.3

New Features

  • Added new metrics: CAMBI, CIEDE2000, MS-SSIM
  • Added 4:0:0 support
  • Added YUYV, Y210, UYVY, NV16, NV24 support
  • Added the ability to build Buffer View for every stream
  • Added the ability to detach Project View and Metrics View
  • Added the ability to export Object Detection logs


  • Updated to VMAF 2.3.0
  • Updated to VVC VTM 14.1
  • Increased the speed of SSIM calculation: up to 4 times faster (*)
  • Replaced spinboxes with visible buttons in the Start/End columns
  • Improved UX for Scene Change Detection: added a message box about the absence of scene changes

(*) - measured on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H 2.50GHz, 16GB RAM


  • Fixed a crash for streams with non-standard resolutions

Version 2.2

New Features

  • Added AV2 support
  • Added the ability to choose the active metrics (PSNR-only, PSNR-SSIM-VMAF, etc.)
  • Added new options to the CLI version of VQ Probe: active metrics, convex hull
  • Added Image Navigation Panel
  • Added the ability to save current frames (L, R, Ref)
  • Added the ability to save metrics plots
  • Added the ability to change the order of files in Project View
  • Added a sample project


  • Updated to VMAF 2.2.1
  • Increased the speed of PSNR calculation: up to 100 times faster (*)

(*) - measured on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H 2.50GHz, 16GB RAM


  • Fixed a rare bug with incorrect bitrate display
  • Fixed a graphical issue when Playback View was not visible at startup
  • Fixed a rare issue with opening containers

Version 2.1.1

New Features

  • Added the ability to set custom weights for the composite (YUV) metrics
  • Added the ability to export average values of metrics
  • Added a splash screen


  • Improved loading time
  • Improved Buffer View initialization


  • Fixed several issues with activation

Version 2.1

New Features

  • Added new options to the CLI version of VQ Probe: add/remove streams, set up the project from a CSV file, BD Rate calculation and export
  • Added the ability to use multiple Regions of Interest (ROI)
  • Added the ability to set weights for ROI
  • Added support for the most popular multimedia containers: mp4, ts, mkv, webm
  • Added caching of scene changes
  • Added the ability to export the results of metrics calculation to CSV


  • Updated to VMAF 2.1.1
  • Updated to VVC VTM 12.0
  • Updated to AV1 0.9.0
  • Updated the Scene Change Detector: added fade detection
  • Improved BD Rate calculation


  • Fixed an issue with NV12 YUV streams
  • Fixed a rare crash when clicking on a graph legend

Version 2.0

New Features

  • Added the ability to pause and resume the metrics calculation process
  • Added Scene Detection
  • Added Object Detection
  • Added the ability to set a region of interest for metrics calculation
  • Added the ability to loop playback
  • Added the cursor position label
  • Added the Command Line Interface version of VQ Probe
  • Added the ability to cache & reuse the results of metrics calculation
  • Added Buffer View
  • Added the ability to build a convex hull for RD Curves


  • Made plot legends fully clickable and movable
  • Made the playback slider active
  • Reversed the colors used in the Heat Map modes
  • Added tooltips for RD Curve points
  • Changed the colors used in Metrics View for better readability


  • Fixed zooming bugs that occurred in some cases

Version 1.5

New Features

  • Added the ability to trim source files
  • Added the black and white difference mode
  • Added the ability to rename RD curves


  • Increased accuracy of BD Rate calculation
  • Improved zooming for some streams with non-standard sizes
  • Rearranged the RD Curves tab of Metrics View


  • Fixed a crash when the metrics calculation started without re-validation of streams
  • Fixed a bug when the metrics calculation could not start until the user explicitly reset the reference file
  • Fixed zooming when using shortcuts
  • Fixed the color of YUV values for light pixels

Version 1.4

New Features

  • Project support
  • Offline activation
  • Added the ability to choose files to display on Playback View
  • Added composite metrics: PSNR YUV, SSIM YUV, VMAF YUV
  • VMAF metrics calculation for U and V components
  • Added average metrics values


  • Performance improvement of quality metrics calculation – up to 2.5 times
  • Improved usability of Metrics View


  • A lot of fixes

Version 1.3

New Features

  • AV1 support
  • RD Curves & BD Rates
  • Advanced Open Dialog
  • The ability to hide/show Metrics View


  • Zoom improvements


  • Fixed issues with displaying of files with different frame numbers
  • Fixed some issues with stream validation

Version 1.2

New Features

  • Async VMAF calculation
  • Crop Uncompressed Frames
  • Display YUV values
  • Separate Y/U/V planes displaying
  • Heat Map of encoded and reference frames difference

Version 1.1

New Features

  • VVC Support
  • 4K Support

Version 1.0

Initial version.